Gure ikasleek , Steven Lodgen , Digipen Institutoko ordezkariaren hitzaldiarekin ondo pasatzeko aukera izan dute. Bideo jokuen diseinuaz aritu da ikaslegoaren gozamenerako. Matematika , fisika eta marrazteko gaitasunaren garrantziaz ere solastu da. Ikasketak ingelesez egiten direnez Steven-ek saio guztia ingelesez burutu du.
DigiPen Institute of Technology is a pioneer in game education committed to providing an exemplary education and furthering research in digital media and interactive computer technologies. Through the work of its students, faculty, and staff, DigiPen strives to empower and inspire the digital media and simulation industries around the globe.
DigiPen Europe-Bilbao joins the school's Redmond, WA (USA), and Singapore campuses in pursuit of this goal. DigiPen Europe-Bilbao offers some degree programs:
Redes para la ciencia : "Cómo nos influyen los videojuegos"